Evan and Gillian Says! Our series of books and educational resources cover body safety, life and social skills, and other safety-related topics tailored for individuals with cognitive, developmental, and intellectual disabilities.

Voices of Change 2018 is committed to reducing the risk of abuse by educating individuals with cognitive, developmental, and intellectual disabilities. 

Recognizing the significance of education for individuals with cognitive, developmental, and intellectual disabilities is essential for heightening safety awareness and mitigating the potential for abuse while lessening its impact.

It's important for individuals with disabilities to learn: 
  • Body Parts / Private Parts – Teaching Proper Names of Body Parts
  • Body Safety
  • Boundaries
  • How To Be Your Own Advocate
  • How to Disclose Abuse
  • Internet Safety
  • It's Okay to say NO!
  • It's Okay to Tell
  • Surprises vs Secrets
  • What Are Bad Pictures?
  • What Are Good Pictures?
  • What is Bad Touching?
  • What is Good Touching?
  • What Are "Caring Adults"
  • What is Consent?

Learning safety skills is of utmost importance for individuals with cognitive, developmental, and intellectual disabilities. These skills are essential for their well-being and independence. Without direct and systematic teaching, such individuals may struggle to acquire these crucial skills naturally. This poses a significant challenge for parents, guardians, caregivers, and the individual's family, as they must find alternative methods to impart these skills effectively. Therefore, creating tailored safety programs and resources becomes vital to ensure that individuals with disabilities can lead safe and fulfilling lives. 

Why is teaching children with disabilities about safety so important? 

  • Helps to create a safer environment
  • Identifying safe people within the community, such as police and firemen
  • Learning safety skills allows for critical thinking skills in various situations
  • Safety skills allow an individual to help with things such as relationships, transition skills, and conflict resolution
  • Teaching safety rules to help individuals develop an understanding of consequences, precautions, or potential hazards

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One Of The Narrators for Evan & Gillian Says

One Of The Narrators For Evan & Gillian Says

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Available For Free Through Our Partnership With The Mama Bear Effect

Communication Cards for children with disabilities

Communication Cards for children with disabilities

These communication cards for children with disabilities are made available for free through our partnership with, The Mama Bear Effect, a nonprofit organization.

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